Understanding the Causes of Mouth Ulcers With Mouth Ulcer Specialist – Dr. Arati Chaudhary

April 17, 2024by Dr. Arati0



Mouth ulcers, also known as canker sores, are a common oral health issue that can cause discomfort and pain. Understanding the causes of mouth ulcers is crucial for effective prevention and treatment. Dr. Arati Chaudhary, a mouth ulcer specialist at SNC Dental Clinic, provides expert care for mouth ulcers, offering comprehensive services to address this condition..


What Are Mouth Ulcers?


Mouth ulcers are painful sores that can form on the inside of the cheeks, lips, or beneath the tongue. They are divided into three types: minor, major, and herpetiform ulcers. Minor ulcers are the most common, and they heal in one to two weeks without leaving scars.


Causes of Mouth Ulcers


Several factors can contribute to the development of mouth ulcers, including:


Dietary Factors: Spicy and acidic foods can irritate the mouth’s lining and cause ulcers.

Stress and Hormonal Changes: Emotional stress and hormonal fluctuations can impair the immune system, making the mouth more vulnerable to ulcers.

Medical Conditions and Medications: Celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, and certain medications have been linked to an increased risk of developing mouth ulcers.

Mouth Specialist Doctor

Symptoms of Mouth Ulcers

The symptoms of mouth ulcers include:

Pain or Discomfort: Mouth ulcers can cause significant pain or discomfort, particularly when eating, drinking, or speaking. The pain can range from mild to severe, and it may be accompanied by burning or tingling sensations.

Swelling: Mouth ulcers can cause significant pain or discomfort, particularly when eating, drinking, or speaking. The pain can range from mild to severe, and it may be accompanied by burning or tingling sensations.

Redness: A mouth ulcer’s surrounding tissue may seem red or swollen. This redness is an indication of inflammation and irritation in the mouth’s mucous membrane.

Formation of a White or Yellowish Coating: A white or yellowish covering may develop over the ulcerated area of the mouth as it heals. This covering, which is a normal component of the healing process, is composed of food particles, dead cells, and other waste.

Diagnosis of Mouth Ulcers


Diagnosis of mouth ulcers typically begins with a thorough physical examination of the oral cavity by a healthcare provider, such as a doctor for mouth disease. The healthcare provider will carefully inspect the mouth ulcer, noting its size, appearance, and location. They may also inquire about the patient’s medical history and any recent changes in oral hygiene or dietary habits.


In some cases, laboratory tests may be conducted by a mouth ulcer specialist to rule out underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to the development of mouth ulcers. These tests may include blood tests to check for deficiencies in vitamins or minerals, as well as tests for autoimmune diseases or infections that may be causing the ulcers.


Treatment for Mouth Ulcers


Treatment options for mouth ulcers, recommended by the best doctor for mouth ulcer near me, include medications to reduce pain and inflammation.These drugs could be prescription drugs like corticosteroids or antibacterial mouthwashes, or over-the-counter drugs like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. To ascertain the best course of action for your particular situation, it is imperative that you speak with a healthcare professional. 


Prevention of Mouth Ulcers


It’s crucial to: in order to avoid mouth ulcers

  • Steer clear of trigger foods.
  • Maintain proper dental hygiene.
  • Control your stress levels 


When to See a Doctor


If your mouth ulcers last for more than two weeks or keep coming back, it’s important to see a specialist in mouth ulcers, known as a Mouth Ulcer Specialist. Dr. Arati Chaudhary is an expert in treating mouth ulcers and can examine your ulcers to find out why they’re happening. She will carefully check your mouth, ask about your health, and might do some tests to be sure there’s nothing serious going on. Getting a diagnosis and the right treatment from Dr. Chaudhary quickly can help you feel better, avoid problems,


Promoting Oral Health at SNC Dental Clinic


SNC Dental Clinic offers a range of services to promote oral health, including:


  • Comprehensive dental exams
  • Oral cancer screenings
  • Treatment for mouth ulcers by Dr. Arati Chaudhary, a specialist in oral health.




Dr. Arati Chaudhary’s SNC Dental Clinic, led by a mouth ulcer specialist , gives comprehensive treatment for mouth ulcers and a variety of services to improve general health and dental health. Customized treatment programs made to meet the specific needs of every patient are the clinic’s main focus. The goal of Dr. Chaudhary’s team is to find the underlying causes of mouth ulcers and treat them in order to provide patients with long-lasting comfort and better oral health.


The SNC Dental Clinic provides precise diagnosis and efficient treatments thanks to its modern facilities and sophisticated diagnostic equipment. The clinic employs a comprehensive approach to controlling mouth ulcers, encompassing dietary modifications, stress management approaches, and medical therapies. Dr. Chaudhary wants to improve patients’ quality of life and long-term oral health by addressing the root issues. 




1.Can stress cause mouth ulcers?

A.Yes, emotional stress can weaken the immune system, making the mouth more susceptible to ulcers.

2.Are mouth ulcers contagious?

A.No, mouth ulcers are not contagious and cannot be spread through contact.

3.How long do mouth ulcers typically last?

A.Minor ulcers usually heal within one to two weeks without scarring.

4.What should I do if I have recurrent mouth ulcers?

A.If you experience recurrent ulcers, it is important to consult a doctor for further evaluation.


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